
Our community exists to:

“Extend the Kingdom* to hearts, habitats, and humanity”

When we say Kingdom* our understanding is that the Kingdom is anywhere where God is, and where God’s presence affects every aspect of that reality. In God’s kingdom, there is no fear, shame, pain, loss, sickness, tears, hunger, lack (the list goes on) AND in God’s kingdom there is joy, peace, love, wholeness, provision and justice (this list goes on too).


The first sphere of transformation is in our own hearts. We were created to experience the truth that God loves us, likes us, and has an incredible adventure for us. When people experience this, it changes everything. It transforms our thoughts, attitudes, behaviours, and even our priorities. As the writer of Proverbs says – out of the heart flows our whole life.*

We also recognise that the household is one of the key environments for growing as disciples. In the home, we have an opportunity to become more like Jesus. Our transformed lives are shared, and experienced around dinner tables, in life’s ordinary routines, and through trials and celebrations. Our lives are the core vehicle God uses to extend the Kingdom and we seek to respond to him with obedience and faith.


The natural extension of our heart's transformation is a positive influence in our habitats. Simply defined, habitats are the places where we are usually found, where we thrive and find joy and purpose - our workplaces, sports clubs, neighbourhoods, interest groups, and community connections. We believe each person is wired and gifted to carry a unique piece of God’s heart. We are called to change the world - to bring hope, give love, and embody the adventure of faith.


Followers of Jesus have always been called to change the atmosphere of the world we live in - it’s what disciples do.

We believe the gospel is good news to all of humanity and that we are called to pray, resource, and act as bearers of hope and ambassadors of grace in our world. We are called to partner with God in bringing justice and compassion and the good news of Jesus in a world that is broken. For us humanity encompasses both geographic locations, and the systemic frameworks that perpetuate injustice. We are both compelled and propelled to go - into Aotearoa and all nations.